Rack-Soft, LLC © 2002-2006
4PSA Qmail Manager 1.1.6
for Plesk 8 / Plesk 7.x Reloaded
User’s Guide
Table of Contents
Search Results..............................................................................................10
2. Qmail Manager Functions................................................................................11
5. License Management......................................................................................16
Appendix A Server Compatibility.......................................................................18
Typographical Conventions
char – code
Code snippets, shell command line examples
char – bold code
Commands that must be chosen or typed in
console or in the web interface
char – italic
Program output quotes, quotes from related
documentation or from other sources
char – link
Link to an Internet address
Important text
char – bold
Notes – Additional information, it’s advisable
to read these areas
Tips – Important advices, it’s highly advisable
to read these areas
Note, Tip & Attention Areas
Attention – Very important information that
should not be missed
glossary term
A term described in the glossary
Chapter 1
About 4PSA Qmail Manager
4PSA Qmail Manager is a server-level application that provides advanced
Qmail server management for Plesk servers. The application consists of a single
administrator module that allows the server administrator to control various
Qmail server options and manage the queued messages.
About 4PSA Qmail Manager
4PSA Qmail Manager 1.1.6 Features
• Plesk integrated
• A single administrator module
• The possibility to define and use settings templates:
o The following predefined templates are included: Aggressive,
Improved and Default.
o Over twenty Qmail advanced settings can be used in templates to
increase the email service performance and reliability.
• Integrated functions that allow you to:
o Remove all messages in queue
o Remove all messages in the local queue
o Remove all messages in the remote queue
o Remove all bounced messages
o Start, Stop, Restart the Qmail server
• Search capabilities for the Qmail queue. You can search messages using
the following criteria:
o Sender / Recipient (From and To fields)
o Subject
o The date when the message was sent
o Message size
o Queue location (Local or Remote queues)
o Status of the message (Bounced or Unbounced)
• Full information about all messages in the queue available for viewing
• The capability to remove any message in the queue
• Language packs capabilities
4PSA Qmail Manager 1.1.6 for Plesk 8 / Plesk 7.x Reloaded User’s Guide
Chapter 2
The Administrator Module
The 4PSA Qmail Manager administrator module can be accessed by
logging in the Plesk with the admin account. To access the 4PSA Qmail Manager
interface, in the Custom navigation menu click 4PSA Qmail Manager link.
The 4PSA Total Backup toolbar is available on top of the application’s
interface. The toolbar makes it easy for the server administrator to perform the
following operations:
• view details about the Qmail queue
• manage Qmail functions and control files
• view the 4PSA Qmail Manager version installed on the server
• change interface settings
• manage the 4PSA Qmail Manager license
The Administrator Module
1. Qmail Queue Management
In the Qmail queue area (click the Queue button available in the toolbar)
the server administrator can search the queue based on several criteria. This
feature is very useful in a lot of situations:
• To determine if your server is used as a spam relay
• To find messages sent to your server, but not delivered
• To find messages sent by your customers
• To address abuse complaints
• To monitor the server email activity
4PSA Qmail Manager provides two general queue statistics:
• Messages in queue – The number of queued messages
• Messages in queue, but not yet preprocessed - The number of
queued messages that have not yet been preprocessed by Qmail
Qmail Queue Search
The server administrator can search the queued messages using the
following search criteria:
• From - Search for messages that were sent from a specified email
• To - Search for messages that were sent to a specified email address
• Subject - Search for messages with a specified subject
• Start date – Search for messages sent/received after the specified date
• End date – Search for messages sent/received before the specified date
• Minimum size – Search for messages bigger than the specified size
• Maximum size – Search for messages smaller than the specified size
4PSA Qmail Manager 1.1.6 for Plesk 8 / Plesk 7.x Reloaded User’s Guide
The Administrator Module
• Queue – Search only in the selected queue (local or remote)
• Bounces only – When this option is selected, 4PSA Qmail Manager will
display only bounce messages from the selected queue
To perform the search based on the selected options, click the Search
button. To view all the messages from the selected queue, click the Show All
Search Results
Based on the search criteria you provided, 4PSA Qmail Manager displays
the queued messages that matched these criteria. For every message in the
list, the following information is available:
• Type – The type of the queued message, which can be:
Bounce Local
Bounce Remote.
• From - The email address the messages were sent from
• To - The email address the messages were sent to
• Subject - The subject of the queued message
To read a message in the list, click the subject link.
• Date - The system time when the message was sent or received (day
month year, hh:mm:ss)
• Size (bytes) – The size of the queued message
• View – Click this icon to view the contents of the message
4PSA Qmail Manager 1.1.6 for Plesk 8 / Plesk 7.x Reloaded User’s Guide
The Administrator Module
The server administrator can view all the queued messages, refresh the
displayed information and remove selected messages. In order to view all the
messages available in the queue, the admin must click the Show All link. To
update the information displayed by 4PSA Qmail Manager, he must click the
Refresh link. To remove the selected messages the administrator must check
the corresponding checkboxes and click the Remove selected link. He can
delete multiple messages at the same time.
2. Qmail Manager Functions
In this area, the server administrator can remove the messages from
selected queues and control Qmail server.
To access this area, in the toolbar click the Functions button.
To remove messages, select their corresponding checkboxes and click
Remove. You can remove several messages at the same time.
• All the messages – When this option is enabled, 4PSA Qmail Manager
will remove all the messages (bounces included) from all the queues.
• All the messages from the local queue – When this option is enabled,
4PSA Qmail Manager will remove only the messages from the local
queue. It will not remove bounces.
• All the messages from the remote queue – When this option is
enabled, 4PSA Qmail Manager will remove only the messages from the
remote queue. It will not remove bounces.
• All the bounced messages from the queue – When this option is
enabled, 4PSA Qmail Manager will remove bounces from all the queues.
To control Qmail server status, use the following buttons:
• Start – When you click this button, 4PSA Qmail Manager will start the
Qmail server. This button is enabled only when Qmail server is not
• Stop – When you click this button, 4PSA Qmail Manager will stop the
Qmail server. This button is enabled only when Qmail server is running.
4PSA Qmail Manager 1.1.6 for Plesk 8 / Plesk 7.x Reloaded User’s Guide
The Administrator Module
• Restart – When you click this button, 4PSA Qmail Manager will restart
the Qmail server. This button is enabled only when Qmail server is
3. Qmail Control Files
In this area, the server administrator can control Qmail behavior by
modifying the content of Qmail control files. To access this area, in the toolbar
click the Control files button.
The content of the qmail control files is handled through predefined
templates. You can add, edit or remove the existing templates. The name of
the currently used template is displayed in bold characters.
• Add Template – Define a new template.
• Edit - Customize the saved template values.
Clicking on Add Template or Edit icons will open a page where the server administrator can
edit the Qmail control files for a new or an existing template.
• Remove - Remove the checked templates. The template currently used
by Qmail can not be removed.
To update the Qmail control files using a specific template, you must click
the Apply icon.
The following Qmail parameters are available for editing in the interface:
• me - Qmail can survive with just one control file that contains the fully-
qualified name of the current host. This file is used as the default for
other hostname related control files.
• bouncefrom – The bounce username. Default: Mailer-Daemon.
• bouncehost – The bounce host. Default: me, if that file is provided by
the server administrator. Otherwise it will be bouncehost. If a message is
4PSA Qmail Manager 1.1.6 for Plesk 8 / Plesk 7.x Reloaded User’s Guide
The Administrator Module
permanently undeliverable, Qmail sends a single-bounce notice back to
the envelope message sender. The From field of the email will contain
the address bouncefrom@bouncehost, although its envelope sender
address is empty.
• concurrencylocal – The maximum number of simultaneous local
delivery attempts. Default: 10. If the value is 0, local deliveries will be
put on hold. concurrencylocal is limited at compile time to 1000.
• concurrencyremote – The maximum number of simultaneous remote
delivery attempts. Default: 20. If the value is 0, remote deliveries will be
put on hold. concurrencyremote is limited at compile time to 1000.
• defaultdomain – The default domain name. Default: me, if that file is
provided by the server administrator. Otherwise it will be defaultdomain.
Qmail-inject adds this name to any host name without dots, including
defaulthost, if this does not have dots.
The QMAILDEFAULTDOMAIN environment variable overrides defaultdomain.
• defaulthost – The default host name. Default: me, if that file is provided
by the server administrator. Otherwise it will be defaulthost. Qmail-inject
adds this name to any address without a host name. defaulthost does
not need to be the current hostname. For example, you may prefer the
outgoing emails to show just your domain name.
The QMAILDEFAULTHOST environment variable overrides defaulthost.
• databytes – The maximum number of bytes allowed in a message.
Default: 0 (this means no limit). If a message exceeds this limit, qmail-
smtpd returns a permanent error code to the client. If the disk is full or
qmail-smtpd reaches a resource limit, qmail-smtpd returns a temporary
error code.
4PSA Qmail Manager 1.1.6 for Plesk 8 / Plesk 7.x Reloaded User’s Guide
The Administrator Module
databytes counts bytes as stored on disk, not as transmitted through the network. It
does not count the qmail-smtpd received value, the qmail-queue received value, or the
If the environment variable DATABYTES is set, it overrides databytes.
• doublebouncehost – The double-bounce host. Default: me, if that file is
provided by the server administrator. Otherwise it will be
• doublebounceto – The name of the user who will receive double-
bounces. Default: postmaster. If a single-bounce notice is permanently
undeliverable, qmail-send will send a double-bounce notice to
If the second notice bounces, qmail-send will give up.
• envnoathost – This is the presumed domain name for addresses without
@ signs. Default: me, if that file is provided by the server administrator.
Otherwise it will be envnoathost. If qmail-send finds an envelope
recipient address without an @ sign, it appends @envnoathost.
• helohost – This is the current host name, solely used for saying hello to
the remote SMTP server. Default: me, if that file is provided by the
server administrator. Otherwise qmail-remote will refuse to run.
• idhost – The host name for Message-IDs. Default: me, if that file is
provided by the server administrator. Otherwise it will be idhost. idhost
does not need to be the current hostname. For example, you may prefer
to use fake host names in Message-IDs. However, idhost must be a fully
qualified name within your domain and each host in your domain should
use a different idhost.
4PSA Qmail Manager 1.1.6 for Plesk 8 / Plesk 7.x Reloaded User’s Guide
The Administrator Module
The QMAILIDHOST environment variable overrides idhost.
• localiphost – This is the replacement host name for local IP addresses.
Default: me, if that file is provided by the server administrator. Qmail-
smtpd is responsible for recognizing dotted-decimal addresses for the
current host. When it finds a recipient address with the form
box@[d.d.d.d], where d.d.d.d is a local IP address, it replaces [d.d.d.d]
with localiphost. This is done before rcpthosts.
• plusdomain – This is the plus domain name. Default: me, if that file is
provided by the server administrator. Otherwise it will be plusdomain.
Qmail-inject adds this name to any host name that ends with a plus sign,
including defaulthost, if this ends with a plus sign. If a host name does
not have dots but ends with a plus sign, qmail-inject uses plusdomain,
not defaultdomain.
The QMAILPLUSDOMAIN environment variable overrides plusdomain.
• queuelifetime – The number of seconds a message can stay in the
queue. Default: 604800 (one week). After this time expires, qmail-send
will try to send the message once more, but it will treat any temporary
delivery failures as permanent failures.
• smtpgreeting – The SMTP greeting message. Default: me, if that file is
provided by the server administrator. Otherwise qmail-smtpd will refuse
to run. The first word included in the smtpgreeting should be the
current hostname.
• timeoutconnect – The number of seconds qmail-remote will wait for the
remote SMTP server to accept a connection. Default: 60. The kernel
normally imposes a 75 seconds upper limit.
• timeoutremote – The number of seconds qmail-remote will wait for
each response from the remote SMTP server. Default: 1200.
4PSA Qmail Manager 1.1.6 for Plesk 8 / Plesk 7.x Reloaded User’s Guide
The Administrator Module
• timeoutsmtpd - Number of seconds qmail-smtpd will wait for each new
buffer of data from the remote SMTP client. Default: 1200.
In order to apply the template to Qmail control files, check Save and
apply template to Qmail.
4. Settings
In this area, the server administrator can view which 4PSA Qmail
Manager version is installed on the server and can change interface settings. To
access this area, in the toolbar click the Settings button.
• Product version – This is the version of the 4PSA Qmail Manager
installed on the server.
• Custom button title – This is the name of the custom button in the left
panel. The server administrator can change the default 4PSA Qmail
Manager with a more descriptive name for his clients.
• Context help – This is the 4PSA Qmail Manager application description
that will appear in the left navigation panel.
• Language – This option allows the server administrator to select the
language that will be used by the 4PSA Qmail Manager interface.
5. License Management
In this area, you can manage the 4PSA Qmail Manager license. The
product requires a license key in order to work. The license key will be
generated by 4PSA based on the server IP and Plesk version installed on the
You can use the following fields and controls to update or monitor your
• License key status – The status of the currently loaded license key
• Your server IP – This is the main IP address of your server. The license
key must be issued for this IP, otherwise it will not work.
4PSA Qmail Manager 1.1.6 for Plesk 8 / Plesk 7.x Reloaded User’s Guide
The Administrator Module
• License file – You can use this form to upload the license key to the
If you can access other pages in 4PSA Qmail Manager, this means that your license is
valid and you do not have to upload a new one.
• Get license from licensing server - You can use this form to query the
licensing server. This function can only be used when there is a license
key loaded on the server. The first time you install the product it is
required to upload the license key.
• License key properties – This section contains details about the current
The Owned and Leased licenses automatically renew before the License expire date.
4PSA Qmail Manager 1.1.6 for Plesk 8 / Plesk 7.x Reloaded User’s Guide
Appendix A
Server Compatibility
4PSA Qmail Manager is shipped in different installation achieves for
different Plesk versions:
- Plesk 7.1.1 Reloaded and Plesk 7.5.3 Reloaded. These versions have
Plesk7x prefix in the installation archive name.
- Plesk 7.5.4 and upper versions of Plesk 7.5 Reloaded. These versions
have Plesk75 prefix in the installation archive name.
- Plesk 8.0 and upper versions. These versions have Plesk8 prefix in the
installation archive name.
You have to download the build based on the Plesk version and operating
system installed on your machine.
You can find below the achieve names for Plesk 8 versions, the archive
names for other Plesk versions are built as specified above. For more details
you can check the 4PSA Clients Area.
The file qmanagerXXX_buildXXXXXX.XX_Redhat7xPlesk8.tar.gz provides
compatibility with the following operating systems:
• RedHat Linux 7.3
• RedHat Enterprise Linux 2.1
The file qmanagerXXX_buildXXXXXX.XX_RHEL3Plesk8.tar.gz provides
compatibility with the following operating systems:
• RedHat Enterprise Linux 3.0
• Fedora Linux Core 1
• Fedora Linux Core 2
• CentOS 3.x
Server Compatibility
• RedHat Linux 9
The file qmanagerXXX_buildXXXXXX.XX_RHEL4Plesk8.tar.gz provides
compatibility with the following operating systems:
• RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.0
• CentOS 4.x
compatibility with the following operating systems:
• Fedora Linux Core 3
compatibility with the following operating systems:
• Fedora Linux Core 4
The file qmanagerXXX_buildXXXXXX.XX_FreeBSD4Plesk8.tar.gz provides
compatibility with the following operating systems:
• FreeBSD 4.8
• FreeBSD 4.9
• FreeBSD 4.10
The file qmanagerXXX_buildXXXXXX.XX_FreeBSD5Plesk8.tar.gz provides
compatibility with the following operating systems:
• FreeBSD 5.4
• FreeBSD 6.0
Server Compatibility
The file qmanagerXXX_buildXXXXXX.XX_Suse93Plesk8.tar.gz provides
compatibility with the following operating systems:
• Suse 9.3
The file qmanagerXXX_buildXXXXXX.XX_Suse100Plesk8.tar.gz provides
compatibility with the following operating systems:
• Suse 10
The file qmanagerXXX_buildXXXXXX.XX_Debian31Plesk8.tar.gz provides
compatibility with the following operating systems:
• Debian 3.1
• Ubuntu 5.10
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