Model: PRO-9649b
Owner’s Manual
3 Button Remote Security System
with Dual Stage Shock Sensor
IMPORTANT ! In order to provide the highest possible level of security to your vehicle, this
system is equipped with selectable manual override circuitry. It is possible that you will need
to manually override your security system if the transmitter becomes lost, or inoperative due to
battery failure. Reading the sections on "MANUALLY OVERRIDING YOUR SYSTEM" is nec-
essary to fully understand the procedure required to enable your vehicle in such situations.
In addition, the chart on the last page of this manual has a section for the particular features
and options installed in your vehicle as well as the override method selected. Valet Switch
manual override is pre-selected from the factory, however, the system can be config-
ured for "Custom Code" operation. Confirm the override mode selected on the last page of this
manual, and familiarize yourself with the selection on it's operation.
Š Programmable Auto Lock On / Off
Š Programmable Auto Unlock On / Off
Š Programmable Door Lock Pulse Duration 1
Second/3.5 Seconds/1 Sec L/Dbl. U/L
Š Programmable Active or Passive Door
Š UserProgrammable Permanent Chirp Delete
Š On Command RF Chirp Delete from Trans-
mitter Or Selectable Through Software
Š 6 Tone Multi Tone Siren (And or)
Š Car Horn Activation for additional alarm
Š 2 Three Button Programmable RF Trans-
Š Five Channel Receiver
(capable of accepting 4 transmitters)
Š Code Hopping Technology
Š Selectable Manual Override Mode
Š Remote Panic in all modes
Š Protected Valet
Š User Programmable Manual Override
Š 7 Function LED - Arm / Disarm / Zone 1
/ Zone 2 / Zone 3 / Valet / Arming
Š Intrusion Alert with Memory
Š Audible Arm / Disarm / Defective Zone /
Tamper Confirmation
Š Additional Negative Trigger Input
Š RF Inhibit with ignition on
Š Parking Light Flasher
Š Remote Trunk Release (must have
electronic trunk release)
Š Remote Keyless Entry With Optional
Access Guard (must have power door
Š Illuminated Entry
Š Plug In Dual Stage Shock Sensor
Š Instant Siren Activation
Š Starter Disable
Š True Last Door Arming (hardwire only)
Š Defective Zone By-Pass
Š Hardwire or Voltage Sense Selectable
Š Active or Passive Arming Selectable
Š Remote Trunk Release (must have electronic trunk release)
Š Remote Keyless Entry (must have power door locks)
Š Multiple Vehicle Capable
Š Remote Starter
Š Remote Power Window Roll Up
Š Remote Garage Door Interface
Š Headlight Illumination During Arming/Disarming, Or Both
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; Red dash mounted LED begins to flash slowly.
; Parking Lights flash one time.
; Siren sounds one chirp
If the siren did not sound when arming, then the chirps have
been turned off and you should refer to the section titled
† Doors Lock - Optional
Door locking during passive arming is a selectable feature. The
alarm can be programmed to allow the doors to lock only when
arming using the keychain transmitter, and they will not
automatically lock during passive arming.
; Opening any protected door, hood, or trunk lid will cause the alarm to
immediately sound. The alarm will continue to sound for 30 seconds, then stop
and continue to monitor all protected entry points. If the thief left a door opened,
the alarm will sound for six 30 second cycles, remain armed and ignore that
triggered zone.
; Whenever the system is armed, the red dash mounted LED indicator will slowly
flash. This serves as a visual deterrent to the potential thief. The LED is a very
low current bulb, and will not cause the vehicle’s battery to drain, even when
left unattended for extended periods.
; Whenever the system is triggered, the vehicle’s parking lights will flash for the
full 30 second alarm cycle, attracting visual attention to the vehicle.
† Optional - Whenever the system is armed, the vehicle’s starting circuit will be
bypassed. If the thief should choose to ignore the siren, the vehicle can not be
; Any mild impact to the vehicle’s glass will cause the alarm to sound a short
series of warning tones.
; Any strong impact to the vehicle’s glass will cause the alarm to trigger for the full
30 second alarm cycle.
1. As you approach the vehicle, press and release the Unlock button on the keychain transmit-
; Red dash mounted LED turns off.
If passive arming was selected during the installation, then the LED will start
flashing rapidly, indicating that the system is re-arming automatically. Open any
door to suspend the automatic arming.
; Parking Lights flash two times.
If the parking lights flashed three times, then the alarm was triggered in your
absence. Before turning the key on, examine the LED to identify which zone
was triggered.
; Siren sounds two chirps.
If the siren sounds 4 chirps, then the alarm was triggered in your absence.
Before turning the key on, examine the LED and refer to the INTRUSION
WARNING SIGNALS section of this manual to identify which zone was trig-
If the siren did not sound when disarming, then the chirps have been turned
off, and you should refer to the section titled " ELIMINATING THE ARM /
DISARM CHIRPS " in this manual.
† Doors Unlock - Optional
Note: If the optional 2 step door unlock circuit is installed, when the unlock transmitter
button is activated, the drivers door only will unlock, pressing the unlock button a
second time will cause all doors to unlock. If your transmitter has a sperate lock
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unlock buttons, pressing the unlock button anytime after the first unlock command
will cause all the vehicle doors to unlock.
† Headlight Illumination - Optional
1. As you approach the vehicle, press and hold the Unlock button on the keychain transmitter
for 2 seconds.
; Red dash mounted LED turns off.
If passive arming was selected during the installation, then the LED will start
flashing rapidly, indicating that the system is re arming automatically. Open
any door to suspend the automatic arming.
; Parking Lights flash two times.
If the parking lights flashed three times, then the alarm was triggered in your
absence. Before turning the key on, examine the LED to identify which zone
was triggered.
; Siren will not sound.
If the siren sounds 4 chirps, then the alarm was triggered in your absence.
Before turning the key on, examine the LED and refer to the INTRUSION
WARNING SIGNALS section of this manual to identify which zone was trig-
† Doors Unlock - Optional
Note: If the optional 2 step door unlock circuit is installed, when the unlock transmitter
button is activated, the drivers door only will unlock, pressing the unlock button a
second time will cause all doors to unlock. If your transmitter has a separate lock/
unlock buttons, pressing the unlock button anytime after the first unlock com-
mand will cause all the vehicle doors to unlock.
† Headlight Illumination - Optional
If during a triggered state, you wish to shut off the siren without disarming your security
system, simply press and release any transmitter button other than the disarm button. This
action will turn off the siren yet leave the vehicle fully armed and protected. This feature is
particularly useful if you are aware of children playing near your vehicle that may accidently
trigger your security system. In this case you can cancel the siren sounding without
disarming your alarm.
This system will inform you if an intrusion attempt has occurred while you were away from
the vehicle. If an intrusion attempt has occurred, the siren will chirp 4 times and the parking
lights will flash 3 times when disarming the system. Enter the vehicle, and observe the red
dash mounted LED to identify which zone was triggered.
n If the LED is flashing one time...pause...etc., then an intrusion
attempt was made to the shock sensor, or an accessory triggering device that may
have been added to the system.
o If the LED is flashing two times...pause...two times...pause...etc., then an intrusion
attempt was made to a hood or trunk pin switch that was added to the system, or
to a light activated entry point if the alarm was installed using the voltage sensing
p If the LED is flashing three times...pause...three times...pause...etc., then an intru-
sion attempt was made through one of the vehicle’s doors.
These intrusion warning indicators are stored in the system’s memory and will only be
erased when the ignition key is turned on.
The PBLED switch allows you to temporarily bypass all alarm functions, eliminating the need
to hand your transmitter to parking attendants or garage mechanics. When the system is in
valet mode, all alarm functions are bypassed, however the remote panic feature and remote
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door locks will remain operational. To use the valet mode, the system must first be disarmed
either by using your keychain transmitter, or by activating your personalized manual override
1. Enter the vehicle, and turn the ignition key to the on position.
2. Press and hold the PBLED switch until the LED turns on solid. The system will remain in
the valet mode.
3. To return to normal operation, press and release the PBLED switch any time the ignition is
Note: Always remember to return the vehicle to the valet off position. This will ensure that
the vehicle remains protected at all times.
Your Security System can be disarmed without the use of the keychain transmitter. This is
necessary, since you will need the ability to operate your vehicle if the transmitter is lost or
its battery fails. If your system has been selected for Valet Switch manual override as
indicated on the last page of this manual, to bypass the alarm system;
1. Open the vehicle door. The alarm will sound.
2. Turn the ignition key to the on position.
3. Within 5 seconds, press and release the PBLED override switch.
The alarm system will stop sounding and enter the (bypassed) mode. You can now start and
operate the vehicle normally.
Typically this override mode is used only if the transmitter has become inoperative.
Programming Your Custom Override Code:
Unlike override switches easily found, and defeated, this security system allows the con-
sumer to program a personal override code, offering a higher level of security. To take
advantage of this option, programmable feature # 10 must be selected for the Custom Code
Option. Consult your installation center for programming details. The system comes from the
factory with a pre-programmed override code of 11. To change this default override code, do
the following:
1. Disarm the system by use of the transmitter, or by use of the emergency override
sequence. Turn the ignition switch to the on position.
2. Within 10 seconds, press and release the PBLED switch, 3 times.
3. Within 10 seconds turn the ignition switch off, on, off, on, off, on.
(The siren or horn will beep and the lights will flash one time.)
4. Within 10 seconds, begin to enter your chosen 10ths digit by pressing and releasing the
PBLED switch from 1 up to 9 times.
5. Within 10 seconds of the last entered 10ths digit, turn the ignition switch off then on.
6. Within 10 seconds, begin to enter your chosen units digit by pressing and releasing the
PBLED switch from 1 up to 9 times.
7. Finish by turning the ignition switch to the off position.
If the new code was accepted, the unit will report back the newly entered code, by flashing
the LED, first indicating the 10ths digit, pause and then the units digit. The unit will report the
new code three times with a one second pause between each code, then the system will
begin arming. If the LED flash pattern reports the previously stored code, the new code was
not entered correctly. Please repeat steps 1 through 7 above considering the following.
Note: Acceptable digits 10ths or units are 1 through 9. The unit will not recognize a 0 (Zero),
or no digit entered in any place, units or tenths.
Note: If 15 seconds of inactivity expire, or if the ignition switch is turned off for more then
5 seconds during any of the above steps, the unit will revert back to the last
successfully stored code.
Custom Code Programming Example:
To Change the code from the factory pre-assigned code of 11 to “52” you would do the
1. Disarm the system by use of the transmitter, or by use of the emergency override
2. Turn the ignition switch to the on position.
3. Within 10 seconds, press and release the PBLED switch, 3 times.
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4. Within 10 seconds turn the ignition switch off, on, off, on, off, on.
(The siren or horn will beep and the lights will flash one time.)
5. Within 10 seconds, begin to press and release the PBLED switch to set the tenths digit.
(As per the example, press and release 5 times to set the tenths digit to 5)
6. Within 10 seconds of the last press of the pushbutton, turn the ignition switch off then on.
7. Within 10 seconds, begin to press and release the PBLED switch to set the units digit.
(As per the example, press and release 2 times to set the units digit to 2).
8. Turn the ignition switch to the off position. Immediately observe the LED flash pattern.
You will note the LED flashing five times, pause, and then flash two times, pause. This pattern will be
repeated three times indicating the new code (52) has been accepted and stored in memory.
Note: If after step 7, the LED flashes a code other than what was just entered, this indicates
that the code has not been changed. You will have to repeat steps 1 through 7 above
being certain to note the following:
Acceptable digits 10ths or units are 1 through 9. The unit will not recognize a 0 (Zero), or no
digit entered in any place, units or tenths.
Note: If 15 seconds of inactivity expire, or if the ignition switch is turned off for more then 5 seconds
during any of the above steps, the unit will revert back to the last successfully stored code.
Assuming the override code programmed has not been changed, and the default override
code of 11 is in the system's memory.
1) Enter the vehicle and turn the ignition switch to the on position.
Note: The siren will sound.
2) Within 5 seconds, press and release the PBLED switch 1 time.
3) Within 5 seconds, turn the ignition switch off then on.
4) Within 5 seconds, press and release the PBLED switch 1 time.
5) Turn the ignition switch off then on and start the vehicle.
Note: If you have changed the programmed override code then substitute your new code
tenths for step 2 above, and units for step 5 above.
You can selectively eliminate the normal arm & disarm chirps by holding the transmitter button
slightly longer when arming or disarming. This will prevent the siren chirps for one arm or
disarm cycle. If you find this inconvenient and wish to eliminate these chirps permanently,
1. Turn the ignition switch 'on" then 'off".
3. Within 10 seconds of turning off the ignition, press and release the PBLED switch 3 times.
4. If the chirps were on before you started, the siren will emit 2 short chirps indicating that the
chirps are now off. If the chirps were off before you started, the siren will emit one short
chirp indicating that the chirps are now on.
Note: If the vehicle battery is disconnected then reconnected, the unit will return to the
default setting of chirps on. Repeat the above procedure to eliminate the arm/disarm
The ARM or DISARM button on your keychain transmitter also functions as a panic switch for
use in emergency situations. To use remote panic,
1. Press and hold the ARM or DISARM button on the keychain transmitter for 3 or more
seconds. The alarm will immediately sound.
2. To stop the alarm, press and hold the ARM or DISARM button on the transmitter again for 3
seconds. If the button is not pressed, the alarm will automatically stop after 30 seconds.
Also if any transmitter button other than the ARM or DISARM button is pressed and
released, the Panic mode will be turned off immediately. The normal function of this
transmitter button will be suspended during the Panic sounding period.
3. During the panic mode, the Lock and Unlock buttons can be used to lock and unlock the
doors, (if the option is installed), however once the unlock/disarm button is pressed, the
vehicle's starter inhibit device, (where installed) will be disabled allowing the vehicle to
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While in the Panic mode, pressing and releasing the ARM or DISARM buttons will,
if the option is installed, lock and unlock the doors respectively. While in the panic
mode, anytime the DISARM button is pressed, the panic feature will continue for
the allotted 30 seconds, however, the security system will be disarmed allowing
the vehicle to start.
This security system has an additional features that can be connected to a number of
different optional accessories. Some of the more common uses for this channel are;
† Remote Trunk Release
† Remote Car Starter
† Remote Window Closure † Remote Garage Door Interface
Operation of the optional accessory or accessories, can be controlled by pressing and
holding the programmed button on the keychain transmitter for four seconds, or by pressing
and releasing the programmed button on the transmitter two times in succession. Check
with your installation center for more information on what accessories were installed and
how they are accessed.
This security system has an additional feature that can be connected to a number of
different optional accessories. Some of the more common uses for this channel are;
† Remote Trunk Release
† Remote Car Starter
† Remote Window Closure † Remote Garage Door Interface
To activate the optional accessory, press the programmed button on the keychain transmit-
ter for up to 8 seconds for continuous output, or press and release for momentary activa-
tion. The optional accessory will immediately engage. Check with your installation center for
more information on the optional accessory that may have been installed and how it is
This security system has an additional feature that can be connected to a number of
different optional accessories. Some of the more common uses for this channel are;
† Remote Trunk Release
† Remote Car Starter
† Remote Window Closure † Remote Garage Door Interface
To activate the optional accessory, press the programmed button on the keychain transmit-
ter for up to 8 seconds for continuous output, or press and release for momentary activa-
tion. The optional accessory will immediately engage. Check with your installation center for
more information on the optional accessory that may have been installed and how it is
IGNITION CONTROLLED LOCK UNLOCK: (Unlock Drivers Only, or Unlock All Doors)
Your security system has a selectable safety feature that allows the vehicle doors to lock
when the ignition switch is turned on, (Providing all doors are closed), and to unlock the
doors when the ignition switch is turned off. In addition, the unlocking of the doors is
further selectable, in a two step unlock configuration, to unlock only the drivers door or all
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* These chirps are optional, and can be de-activated.
Your System Has These Features Activated
† Starter Disable
† Remote Keyless Entry
† Auto Lock with ignition key
† Auto Unlock with ignition key
† Passive Arming
† No Lock in passive mode
† Hardwire doors, hood, and trunk
† Custom Code Override
† Valet Switch Override
© 2007 Audiovox Electronics Corporation, 150 Marcus Blvd., Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788
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